Clinical Health Psychology Service

Clinical Health Psychology

We are a team of psychologists who work with patients who have a long-term physical health condition such as diabetes, cardiac, respiratory condition. We also work within chronic pain and obesity services.

Living with long-term health conditions can affect people’s lives in many different ways. It can affect how we feel, think and what we do or avoid.  Many people become anxious or depressed with long term physical health condition which makes managing and keeping on top of the disease management difficult.  We help people to come to terms with living with physical health problems and learning ways to cope.

We work with many healthcare professionals such as GPs, specialist nurses, podiatrists, physiotherapists and medical consultants. You may be referred to the service by your health professional or social worker if you are finding it difficult to cope emotionally with your physical health condition. We do not prescribe medications but we will be able to talk to you about your condition, how it makes you feel and work together to improve well-being and mood.